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Stay Motivated - Online Virtual Movement Classes

Our beautiful summer weather is here. It has been lovely to see more people out and about, kids playing outside, community supporting and enjoying each other. That being said, it has been such a tough time over the last few years and with so many changes, challenges and uncertainties, there may be these lingering feelings of being stuck or having low self motivation.

What do motivational thoughts do? They help you take action. This isn't about positive thinking or motivating quotes. Those have their place in shaping your attitude and thinking. However, what motivates each of us is unique, so you need to have your own thoughts - those which are most effective at getting you going.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein

I am here to help and be a support for you. Sometimes we just need a little push to get us started. I wanted to share with you some feedback I have been receiving since transitioning onto my virtual platform for teaching and coaching.

We all know that movement in our lives is key for positive health, not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. When we include movement on a regular basis and this can be all kinds of activities, we release tension within and rebuild inner confidence. This can help to clear and calm our minds so we can be open to opportunities and get our creative juices flowing again.

So this brings me to sharing some of the advantages of either starting or continuing to enjoy the virtual platform for classes and sessions.

1) Affordability - There is usually a big savings since there is minimal overhead for the instructor so then they can pass on this savings to you. With lower pricing this can help with you having ongoing support as you work towards your goals and feeling better.

2) Flexible Timing - You don't need to worry about traffic, heavy work commitments or deadlines that can interfere with and cause added stress if you need to get to a gym. I have clients who love the fact they can pop onto a class and leave early if needed, can fit in between work meetings and can access from anywhere they are whether they are on vacation, or at the office or from the comfort of their own home.

3) Convenient, Easy and Private - You can literally take classes in your pj's if you want. Release any worries of feeling intimidated or any added pressures about looking a certain way as some people do when attending live classes together or gym situations. Also, with the black out feature you have the option of being seen or not. If you do work from home or have children how much easier is it to schedule in home online workouts and coaching sessions to help lesson chaos in your already busy schedule.

4) Expert Access - What an easier way to work with experts in their field no matter where they live the the world. With my location in Canada, I have personally worked with clients not only in my community but have also have worked with those who live in England and all over the USA. With online virtual training whether it is online classes or one on one coaching sessions, there is an open line of communication which helps you to feel supported on your journey. A great way for companies to bring in experts as well from all over the world to help in their corporate setting.

5) Motivation / Accountability - Yes, you need to be self motivated to take the next step and sign up. Having an online trainer/coach is just an email or zoom call away from getting support, having questions answered and keeping you accountable for what you are striving for. Sometimes we need that person to help be our guide and just listen. By being there for us to help during stressful overwhelming times and keep us on track and moving forward.

Even with online classes and coaching sessions there is a commitment involved when wanting to move forward from where you are now. I can tell you from experience that finding and doing what you love is absolutely worth it, every step of the way. Feel centered, stronger and happier. Take charge of you life, open yourself up to have support and feel the transformation.

Stay tuned as I look forward to sharing some new exciting information to come. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out at anytime if you have questions, or comments. My online class schedule will be expanding. If you can share times that work for you, this will help me as my program develops.

Love & Light, Namaste

Jennifer Nocito

Clarity Wellness Coach, RHC HCA, Certified Yoga/Pilates/Meditation Teacher

Yoga First and Wellness

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