Many people go through their daily lives feeling overwhelmed, stuck and uncertain about the path that they may be on. There are so many things to do and there never seems to be enough time or energy to do them all. Or you lack the motivation feeling bored and/or frustrated. Is this how you feel about your business, career, or your life?
Have you promised yourself that this month you are going to make some serious changes but you just aren't sure what those changes need to be?
Think about laying out a vision, but make it a big vision. One that encompasses your passions in life and the gifts you have come to share. No matter what the focus of your business or career or where you are at, you have a lot to offer. Perhaps you are retired or at home with your kids. You are unique and only you can contribute your strengths in your special way. Whether it’s staying at home and raising a family, or your self employed on the road, or the CEO of a company, etc. life is not a dress rehearsal so create your vision of what you really want and then take inspired action steps to attract it to you. It is never to late to make a change and discover what lights you up. You are never too young or too old to feel inspired. Feeling, finding and following your passion will bring happiness, motivation and that zest back into your life.
These are the same steps I take with my clients to help them make lasting changes in focus and habit that bring them meaningful results. First you must be willing to take action. Action is everything. One step at a time.
When feeling stuck or unmotivated it is vital to be open to change your focus and habits otherwise you will never be able to change the results.
Without taking action you will never move forward and reach the results you want. Coaching is about getting results that work for you; listening to what the client really wants and working together, setting out the measurable steps to be taken that lead to action and success. Having tools, resources and support are all designed to help guide and keep you motivated on your own path to a happy and healthy state of mind, body and spirit.
You are responsible for the momentum; it will be up to you to take the actions on your own unless you choose to have the support, encouragement, guidance, and accountability that a coach provides.
Without the forward momentum and inspired actions, it's just a good thought. In order for your business to be successful, to be happy and fulfilled in your career, or prosperous and content in your life you need to have one common thread. Vision. Your vision can light you up. This is your life. Think out of the box as to what inspires you.
The process of creation starts with a thought, a great idea, a passionate want, or a dream of something magnificent to achieve. How exciting as these are the intangible sparks that ignite our drive to move forward and turn the intangible into our reality. Begin by brainstorming on paper, yes you must write it down to bring clarity, to make it real. Writing it all down is the beginning of so many possibilities. Seeing those words on paper is a way to be creative, open and free. The beginning of a new start.
The first brainstorming session should be free flowing, don't edit your thoughts or your ideas. If you are working on your personal vision and your work vision to define what you want and how you want to spend your time, start with the personal vision. Start with you. This is your story.
This will give you absolute clarity about what is important to you, what you want, what are the things in your life you are passionate about and that make you feel fulfilled. From there you can create the vision of your ideal business or career or hobby and take action to bring what you really want into your life. Focus on what you really want, be very specific. Don't just say you want lots of money, a nice home and no stress. Create a picture in your mind of exactly what you want down to the color of the carpet and the list of clients, and then using words draw that picture until your vision is clear. For example:
* I will work five days a week between noon and six devoting the rest of the day to self-care, gardening, exercising, and spending time with family and friends.
* I will make 100,000 a year and take 5 weeks vacation throughout the year.
* I love to learn, so I will spend 3 weeks a year in educational workshops and training programs to advance my career and myself.
* I will become involved in community organizations that are devoted to helping find homes for stray dogs and cats.
* Making a contribution and improving people's lives is very important to me so this is always something I carry out in my business practices and my community involvement.
* I have redesigned my home to be bright and airy and laid out the gardens for ease of care, and to provide color and fragrance from my flowers and tastes and aromas from my organic vegetables.
* I avoid stress by focusing on the positive and focusing my energy on the things that are really important to me and just let the rest go.
You create what you put your energy on. If you concentrate on all the things you don't want, on all the things you don't have enough of, that is what you will create more of. Start creating what you do want. Shift your mindset and feel the difference. You will feel better not only physically but will notice a change emotionally and mentally. You will see the bright side, the positivity in your life. With gratitude, your heart will become full. You will start to smile from the inside out. This energy will be felt by all those around you.
Start with your vision; clearly lay out your life, career and/or business vision and then take the steps to make it your reality. One of the steps might include hiring a coach to make it happen faster for you. To be there as your support and your guide. You can reach out to friends and family and get them involved on your journey. They as well as a coach can help to keep you accountable and on your path when life throws you a curve ball. This will happen as life is always changing, but that is not a bad thing. Look at this as new doors open or a new direction or possibilities you may never have thought of. Start to feel elevated and empowered.
Love & Light, Namaste
Jennifer Nocito
Clarity Wellness Coach, RHC HCA, Certified Yoga/Pilates/Meditation Teacher
Yoga First and Wellness